POP ROCK CUPCAKE FLUTES We made these up for a fun and simple new years party treat, the kids where so excited we made up a batch early. They have already been a huge hit with the family! Materials: Cupcakes…
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POP ROCK CUPCAKE FLUTES We made these up for a fun and simple new years party treat, the kids where so excited we made up a batch early. They have already been a huge hit with the family! Materials: Cupcakes…
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Pre-Packaged Christmas Treat Ideas Unfortunatley today most schools will not allow for homemade treats at holiday parties, so we have compiled a bunch of wonder Christmas treats that are all adorable prepackaged ideas for a school Christmas Party! These ideas…
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Gingerbread Girl Pre-Packaged Cookies Materials: Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pie (or similar cookie) White Paint Pen ( I used a Sharpie one since that is what I have on hand) Black Sharpie Red Christmas Ribbon Red Buttons Hot glue and glue…
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Penguin Pudding Cups MATERIALS: Chocolate Pudding Cups Sparkle Pom Poms White tinsel stems Construction Paper (multi pack) Oval wiggle eyes Glue Scissors DIRECTIONS: Start off by gluing your tinsel stem to each side of your pudding cup, next glue over…
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FUN CHRISTMAS CUPCAKES & CUPCAKE CAKE IDEAS Need some fun ideas for your next Christmas party? Check out some of these adorable cupcakes and pull apart cupcake cake ideas we have found for you. image source/ tutorials are listed below…
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Rudolph Reindeer Brownies We love to make pre- packaged treats, it so much fun and great for the kids to take to school. Unfortunately now days its hard to bring treats that are not pre-packaged from the store, so this…
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Christmas Treat Pops MATERIALS USED: Plastic Fill- able Ornaments (I would recommend checking for food safe ones) find some like the ones I used –> HERE Green M&M’s Red M&M’s Jumbo Craft Sticks HERE Construction paper Hot glue and glue gun…
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