
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cardboard Playhouse

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Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cardboard Playhouse Life size Playhouse- With Attached Doll Slide (the up-slide from the show) Addie just absolutely loves Mickey Mouse, and after creating our Cardboard Gingerbread house and seeing how much fun she had with it I…
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Cardboard Gingerbread Playhouse DIY

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Cardboard Gingerbread Playhouse DIY We first started off by making the main frame of the house, this is so simple you need a very large cardboard box, we used a Lazy-boy chair box that we picked up at a local…
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Decor Hemp Balls


   Décor Hemp Balls Materials: 1.      Styrofoam balls (Desired Size) 2.      Hot glue and glue gun 3.      Hemp (Desired Size) Directions:             Take your hemp and wrap it into around itself a couple of times and glue down to one…
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