Our Chicken Coop

Our Chicken Coop We are so excited to share our new Chicken Coop. The baby chicks are not quite big enough to hang out in their new home yet but the day will come soon. We had a guy here…
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Our Chicken Coop We are so excited to share our new Chicken Coop. The baby chicks are not quite big enough to hang out in their new home yet but the day will come soon. We had a guy here…
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Breast Cancer Awareness Wine Glasses (Candle Holders) Materials: Glitter Blast Spray CLICK HERE, Dollar Store Wine Glasses, Wood letters, Glue, Ribbon, other embellishments, and led candle lights. Directions: Make sure your glasses are clean then simply spray them with the…
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Summer and Sea Wine Glasses (Candle Holders) Materials: Glitter Blast Spray CLICK HERE, Dollar Store Wine Glasses, Looking Glass Spray, Sand, Hemp, Glue, Shells and Starfish, other embellishments, and led candle lights. If you have never seen the mercury…
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LUCK St Patrick’s Day Wine Glasses Materials: Dollar Store wine glasses, glitter spray paint ( I used Golden Glow and Lucky Green) Found HERE, bells, and hemp. Make sure your glasses are clean then simply spray them with the glitter…
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Valentines Day Wine Glasses Make sure your glasses are clean then simply spray them with the glitter spray and let dry for 24 hours. Once dry you can embellish them any way you want. – See more at: http://www.thekeeperofthecheerios.com/2014/11/christmas-wine-glasses.html#sthash.9t3mFCnz.dpuf Materials…
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Dollar Store Pizza Pan Grinch Ornament Using Dollar Store Pizza Pans, Glitter Blast Spray, a green feather boa and Acrylic Paints I was able to make this adorable Extra Large Christmas Ornament. I made THESE last year and they where…
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Gingerbread Dollar Store Pizza Pan Ornament Using Dollar Store Pizza Pans, Glitter Blast Spray, and Acrylic Paints I was able to make this adorable Extra Large Christmas Ornament. I made THESE last year and they where so much fun I…
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