Fantastic Outdoor Ideas
With spring quickly approaching we are really getting the itch for those warmer days and summer projects. We have found some of the best ideas to help you get your list started and some really amazing and creative outdoor ideas. Source and details listed for each image
- Disney Inspired Garden – Made by Tiffany Piatkowski- Use some pavers to get your Mickey Head shape, fill it in with some potting soil and you are ready to go.

image via Tiffany Piatkowski
2. Pallet Garden- image source unknown- attach 4 pallets together to make this beautiful flower garden

pallet-garden- image source unknown
3. DIY Raised Garden Beds- Brittnany Stager shows us how to make these fantastic Raised Garden beds on her website My Daily Randomness HERE

image via My Daily Randomness
4. DIY Cinder Block Bench – how about this super easy and fun Cinder Block Bench idea? Paint up some cinder blocks and wood then assemble- This fun DIY can be found on Hunker HERE

image via Hunker
5. Watering Can with Waterfall Lights– This stunning idea came from HERE– All you would need for this is a watering can, some fairy lights and a hook to hang it from.
6. Enclosed Raised Garden Beds- how amazing would this be? This stunning garden bed idea is on our wish list for this year. All though we have not been able to find the exact source of this image, you can find some kits similar to in on Amazon HERE

Enclosed Raised Garden Bed – source unknown
7. DIY PALLET OUTDOOR SOFA – Such a great idea and it would be fairly easy to make! Find this Idea HERE
8. DIY Planter Box – How amazing is this? Made by Infarrantly Creative HERE

Image Source Infarrantly Creative Planter Box
9. Out Door Pallet Swing – found on Wonderful DIY HERE Now how fun would this be? I can just picture laying out on this during a cool summer night
10. Wagon Wheel Succulent Planter- How Stunning is this! We ran across this neat idea on Pinterest and figured it was a must for this years garden!

image source unknown
11. White Pallet Patio Set– this would look so amazing on the back patio and would be so simple to make – image source unknown

image source unknown
12. Hub Cap Flowers on a Garden Shed– How creative and stunning! This is such a fun idea and so creative! Image source unknown

Image Source unknown
#13 Outdoor Hanging Lights- Replace the lights in a chandelier with solar lights and hang on a garden hook. Find some solar lights HERE

image source unknown- found on pinterest
#14 Outdoor Pallet Seating– How neat is this idea? They used Pallets or scrap wood to make this really neat outdoor nook seating area.

image source unknown- found via pinterest
#15 Wall Planter Tree- How amazing is this? It appears they used a metal frame or thick wires to create the branches (you could possibly use garden hose to make the branches as well) , some brackets to attach the planters to the wall and of course your potted plants… Exact image source unknown–> Found the image HERE

exact source unknown- image via Homelysmart