Snowman Pizza Pan door hang

snowman pizza pan door hang sm




  1. Diamond Dust glitter blast spray paint
  2. Posh Pink Glitter blast spray paint
  3. White Spray Paint
  4. Dollar Store pizza pan
  5. Dollar Store mittens and hat
  6. Snowflake embellishments
  7. Orange Felt
  8. Black Sharpie
  9. White paint (optional)
  10. Hot glue and glue gun
  11. Ribbon


Start off by spraying your pizza pan with white spray paint, once dry you can then spray over it with your glitter blast (diamond dust over the entire pan and a dash of posh pink for the cheeks (glitter blast works best if done in a warmer area,it does not work well in the cold). When your pan has had plenty of time to dry you can then begin to decorate it. I used a hat and mittens from the dollar store- hot glued into place, some snowflakes, a felt nose with some acrylic paint for snow, and a sharpie to draw on the rest of his face with.

Find Glitter Blast HERE 

Note: The glitter blast is very temperamental, you must shake the can very very well before use, spray in a warmer area (if it gets to cold it can clog easily), and when you are done using it you must clear the tip by turning the can upside down and spraying till it sprays clear. Glitter Blast is very similar to a spray paint, you should always read the can before use, follow the directions well and take safety precautions when spraying.

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